Student Spotlight: Nick Wu

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We are excited to start highlighting students around the world who are current Practice Space users. It’s fantastic to hear from students about which features they enjoy the most in Practice Space and how it has positive impacts on their practice sessions.

For this week’s student spotlight, we are featuring Nick Wu, a classical guitar student in California. Nick has been using Practice Space since mid-March when the shelter in place order went into effect. Teachers around the world immediately began scrambling to find ways to make their lessons fun and organized while working with their students remotely. We are happy to report that both teachers and students thought that Practice Space added that extra bump to keep the motivation alive!  

Q: What is your name, and how old are you?
A: My name is Nicholas Wu and I am 14 years old.
Q: What instrument do you play?
A: I play the guitar.
Q: What is your favorite thing about playing music?
A: The new skills that I acquire and seeing the progress I make along the way. 
Q: How long have you been using Practice Space?
A: I have been using it ever since shelter in place took effect, so mid-March.
Q: What is your current avatar and background?
A: My current avatar is the Practice Space bird playing a keyboard.  
Q: What level are you currently on in Practice Space?
A: I am currently playing on level 4 (Practice Champ)
Q: Do you feel that Practice Space has helped you organize your practice?
A: Before practice space, I was just using a notebook to keep track of what I need to practice. Practice space is a digital version of my notebook to me.  Also, I really like how my teacher can attach “how-to” videos for me in practice space. 
Q: What is your favorite feature in Practice Space?
A: I like the streak saver feature because it allows me to keep my streak on days when I have lots of schoolwork.
Q: How has Practice Space motivated you since you started using it?
A: What motivated me to continue using practice space was the streak feature in the Practice Space shop. 
Q: What are some challenges you face while practicing, and how has Practice Space helped?
A: I can keep track of time now, but when I was younger, it was harder for me to keep track of time. Practice space helps track practice times. Practice space is helpful currently as it allows my teacher to assign me my practice homework online. 
Q: Do you feel that having demonstration videos in your lesson helps with your weekly practice?
A: Yes. Demonstration videos have helped me quite a bit. Usually, I would only have notes as a reference to what I learned in my lesson. But when there are things that I learned in my lesson which are hard to explain in words, seeing a video and how my teacher would do it makes it more clear.


Musician of the Month: Chris Thile


Feature Friday: Student Store