
Practice Space Student App

Download for free today and make your mark on the Practice Space leader board!


Student Experience

Student Sign Up Process


Practice Space Features

Come discover the most engaging and fun way to practice music. Stay organized, earn awards, and start your practice on a high note. Get Practice Space for FREE today! 

Students can create detailed practice goals, track their completion, and win fun awards along the way. Completing your goals earns you practice points and gems, which can be used in the app's store to spice up your app with cool avatars, backgrounds, and in-app "power-ups".


Student Leaderboard

Complete your practice and receive points to earn your place on the Practice Space leaderboard that updates in real-time.

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Fun Rewards

Complete goals assigned by your teacher and earn gems to use in the Practice Space store where you can buy new avatars, backgrounds and more!

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Note Your Progress

Once you start your practice session you can take videos and track your progress with your teacher. Take advantage of the in-app metronome so you can build skills faster than ever!


Fun Avatars

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A Customizable Experience!

Students can use gems that have earned by practicing and completing assignments to purchase flashy avatars and backgrounds to customize their Practice Space home screen. Students can frequently find new items in the Practice Space store, so you never know what you will find when you start practicing with the app!
