Feature Friday: Practice Streaks

Motivate your music students to practice!

Every music teacher knows that one of the most important aspects of a student's development is the consistency of their practice. Music students that develop a solid practice routine start to progress at a rate far faster than their peers who may not practice every day. Their brains start to recognize musical patterns and develop memory, and the muscles required to play their respective instruments start to develop and build memory. We all know what a joy it is to watch this happen, and the process is cyclical: they start to progress, so they enjoy it more, you enjoy teaching them more, and this positivity just feeds the fire!

Practice Space helps motivate this cycle with our streaks feature. When students log in to practice using the great lesson you made for them with videos and clear notes, the app records the time they've spent practicing. It also keeps a record of the number of days they've practiced that week as well as how many days in a row they've practiced. 

This is a practice streak! 

The practice streak awards gives your students a clear goal to work towards as well as rewards along the way to continue to motivate them and keep the positivity rolling. All you have to do is teach great lessons and watch the Practice Space App do the work! No sticker charts or notebooks needed! The students see how many days they have practiced in a row on the home screen of their app which looks like this:


You can see in the upper right hand corner that this student has practiced music 23 days in a row! When they click on that fire icon, they see their current streak and the next streak reward they can get. Here are some examples of what pops up when they click on that:


As you can see they will receive gems for completing a streak with which they can customize their backgrounds and avatars or they can get any custom awards you have set up. These custom awards can also be setup for a student who has completed a streak. 

Custom Streak Awards

Teachers can setup custom awards for students to earn. They can either buy this award with gems and/or earn it by completing a streak. You can customize this in your studio's dashboard, and we are happy to help you do this! We have seen music studio's get creative with these awards ranging from classic prizes like a trophy for a 100 day streak to a custom arrangement of a student's favorite song. Anytime a student earns one of these custom prizes that needs to be given to them you are automatically sent an email notification! 

Tracking Practice Streaks

Students can see all of the awards they have earned in the Practice Space student app.

In the Practice Space Teacher App you can also see the streaks your students have earned under the details tab of your students. Here you can see how much they've practiced in the past week or month, and their current streak. At the bottom of this page you can also see all the awards they have earned in the app. 

Check it out:


We have now seen over 1,000 streaks completed! Are you ready to bring some fun into your students' practice, while also giving them great demonstation videos and lesson notes that they can use in their practice?

Try Practice Space for free today!


Feature Friday: Demonstration Videos 


Teaching Music Lessons Online