Student of the Month - Leo T.

Leo T. Photo.jpeg

Congratulations to Practice Space’s June student of the month, Leo T. Leo is a piano student on the east coast who currently has an impressive 210 day practice streak!! We love seeing how much Practice Space motivates students around the country to practice. We are sure the teachers love it too! Read more below about Leo and how he uses Practice Space.

Q: What is your name, and how old are you?
A: My name is Leo T., and I am 6 1/2 years old.
Q: What instrument do you play?
A: I play piano
Q: What is your favorite thing about playing music?
A: I like music because it just sounds so nice! Playing piano makes me feel happy. It can also calm me down if I am angry or mad or really sad.
Q: How long have you been using Practice Space?
A: 227 days
Q: What is your current practice streak?
A: 210 days!!
Q: What is your current avatar and background?
A : Avatar—Flashy bird
Background--Salty Sea Air
Q: What level are you currently on in Practice Space?
A: Level 5 - Virtuoso
Q: Do you feel that Practice Space has helped you organize your practice?
A: Yes because my teacher can put in the songs that I have to practice and then I can see them.
Q: What is your favorite feature in Practice Space?
A: After the practice, I like to see how close I am to getting awards.
Q: Has Practice Space motivated you since you started using it?
A: I have such a big 210 day streak, and if I don't practice, I will lose that whole streak!
Q: What are some challenges you face while practicing, and how has Practice Space helped?
A: Sometimes I don't want to do some of the things that are not that fun, but I like that I get points for doing them on Practice Space!


Team Spotlight: Chris Mallett


Teacher Spotlight - Brad P.