Teacher Spotlight - Brad P.


We love celebrating the wonderful teachers in the Practice Space community. This month we are featuring Brad Pupa, a classical guitar teacher in California. Brad has been a dedicated Practice Space user for over a year and uses Practice Space in both his in-person and virtual lessons. Check out the interview with Brad below and see how Practice Space has helped engage his students!

Q: How long have you been teaching music?
A: I have been teaching music for 5 years.
Q: What instrument do you teach?
A: I teach the Classical Guitar.
Q: What is your favorite thing about teaching music?
A: My favorite thing about teaching music is the various interactions I get to have with so many people from many different walks of life. Getting to work with people on a one-on-one basis really allows for a personal experience for both myself and the student. 
Q: What is your favorite feature in Practice Space and why?
A: My favorite feature of Practice Space is by far the video recording feature. I can talk directly with the student about the concepts the video will address just like I do in the lesson so that it feels more like I’m there with them when they are practicing.
Q: How has Practice Space improved your day-to-day teaching?
A: My students have become so much more invested in their own education and are significantly more accountable for daily practice as a result of Practice Space. They come into each lesson eager to have me change up their weekly lesson notes so they can keep up their practice streak. I’ve also found it to encourage healthy practice habits on a daily basis.
Q: What are some challenges you face with your students, and how has Practice Space helped?
A: One of the biggest issues I faced with my students before Practice Space was the retention of details within the music. Regardless of if it was technical, musical, or anything in between sometimes things wouldn’t stick or a student would leave the lesson and couldn’t remember how they did something the next day. Practice space allows for me to input videos and lesson notes that can be directly tailored to that student’s specific needs and goals. It has created a significant improvement within my own studio for retention of lesson details
Q: In what ways do you feel that Practice Space has motivated your students?
A: Practice Space has helped so many of my students feel a sense of community. Throughout the Pandemic with online teaching things like the leaderboard really helped my students feel connected even when we couldn’t be in person.


Student of the Month - Leo T.


Composer of the Month: Leo Brouwer